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How to clip a cat's nails in 1 minute
Source: | Author:Opaschen | Published time: 310 days ago | 949 Views | Share:
How to clip a cat's nails

If cat nails are left unchecked, they can grow sharper and longer, and sometimes adults or children can be scratched by a cat if not careful!

Of course, there are also masters who say: What is not scratched shovel shit officer, not caught a few cracks a day, I feel uncomfortable all over

If your cat doesn't get deworming, vaccinations, etc., in time, you can get Hansey-Bartonella, and you can get paw fever, so it's important to cut your cat's nails regularly.

It's not so easy to cut the nails of a cold, fast, high-maintenance cat owner! It's like a poop shovel nightmare number one

Especially for novice shoveling officers, when it comes to cutting the cat's nails, the heart is full of fear, and feel that the difficulty and risk are soaring each time, and actually some unconscionable invention of "declawing surgery"!

Today  has come up with some tips to help you keep your cat's nails clipped.

Be sure to have pet-specific nail clippers that are designed to cut off your cat's nails at the right Angle without the risk of splitting or chipping.

These nail clippers are designed to look like scissors or circular guillotines, and the best ones have very sharp blades and comfortable handles.

If it is the first time to cut nails, do not know how much to cut, be sure to cut less, do not cut the cat nail blood line.

If the blood line is cut, the kitten will be very painful, so it will be difficult to cheat the cat to cut the nails in the future.

No more words, straight to the picture above!

Cat nail cutting steps:

1、Hold the paw, gently press down on it with your fingers and push the nail out of its paw with your thumb. Use your other hand to trim your nails.

2、If you accidentally cut too much, you should use a hemostatic pen or maize starch to stop bleeding, disinfect in time, and if the wound is too large, please send it to the pet hospital to see a doctor in time.

3、 After cutting, give the kitten a little snack to eat and soothe the injured heart of the cat master.

Tip one: Follow the + coax

① Choose a more comfortable place, put the cat on the legs or knees, first stroke the soles of the feet and then press out the PAWS and cut off the nails.

② Wait for your master to move slowly while he is asleep, and gently cut his nails.

Tip two: Use external forces

① Wrap it in a towel or blanket, wrap it like a burrito, cut which claw, reveal which claw.

② You can also buy a cat bag, a treasure is sold, cutting nails can also be used.

Tip three: Get smart

Switch between the left and right feet and the front and back PAWS when necessary; You can also cut through a net like the picture below, but be careful of the cat jumping back and falling

Tip four: Win fast

Do it quickly, and let your cat go if it's getting upset, even if it's only one or two claws, so you can continue later.

Reward it by playing with it or giving it special attention, so that it will have a good association with cutting nails.